There's still a ton of gold to be had out there, you just need to know how to find it. There a certain spots to look for, like ancient riverbeds and high benches. This video will show you where and how to pan for gold in ancient riverbeds and high benches. Learn how to find them and what to look for.
Gold bearing gravels, sands, placer deposits, and coarse gold nuggets on bedrock. Black sand, flake and fine gold. This is how hydraulic mining started.
There is still gold waiting to be mined out there. When you look at the geological history of our earth and all the glacial movements of massive gravels, sands and mountains, it is not hard to understand that there is still a large quantity of placer gold "in them thar hills". The best indicator of gold, or gold bearing deposits is any low spot or river valley that cuts through any area of land. Usually we concentrate our efforts in these wet low drainage basins. This is the "easy gold", but this easily mined gold only represents a small portion of what is really available. Rivers (or streams) cut through ancient riverbeds which through time are sometimes left "high and dry" (high benches) on their journey to the the ocean.
Make sure you stake a claim! And get more information at My Gold Panning.
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